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August 28, 2007
Town of Wellfleet - Board of Selectmen
COA Long Pond Room
August 28, 2007
Regular Meeting - Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Clerk Ira Wood.  Selectmen present included Dale Donovan and Jerry Houk.  Interim/Assistant Town Administrator Rex Peterson also attended. Chairwoman Jacqui Beebe arrived at 8pm and Selectmen Michael May was absent.

Public Hearing
Ira disclosed that he is on the board of the WHAT.
Amend Annual All Alcohol License
To hear a petition from Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater, requesting a change in manager from Mitch Eskie to Kristin Stewart, 15 Kendrick Ave.
Represented by Geoff George.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the change in managers on the Annual All Alcohol license.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Jerry Houk.             Yea  3     Nay  0
Local Property Tax Levy
To hear a petition from Town Assessor Nancy Vail, requesting final determination on the allocation of the tax burden among the four classes of real property.
Postponed till September 11, 2007 meeting.

Activation of Town Channel
To hear a petition from Tom Cole to consider the funding and activation of the Town Channel as outlined in Article 6 of current Cable Television contract.
Represented by Tom Cole. He is requesting the board to notify Comcast that the town would like to activate Channel 18. 2% of the contract would be sent back to the town – town taxes would not be used for this channel’s operation. In addition, there is an opportunity to hire an employee to run and operate the station funded by the 2% revenue. Mr. Donovan suggested utilizing the students and facilities of Nauset High School.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the funding and activation of the Town Channel as outlined in Article 6 of the current Cable Television contract.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Jerry Houk.             Yea  3     Nay  0

Shellfish Grant
¨       Alfred E. Benton III requesting removal of his name from grant #85-J and #85-JA.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the removal of Alfred Benton III’s name from Grant #85-J and 85-JA.
Motion by:      Jerry Houk.             Seconded by:    Dale Donovan.           Yea  3     Nay  0

¨       Richard Kraus requesting renewal of grant #792 for a ten year period.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve renewal of grant #792.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Ira Wood.               Yea  3     Nay  0

Open Session & Announcements
¨       Barbara Gray, representing the Wellfleet Forum, who is celebrating their 10th anniversary, Taste of Wellfleet will be on Set.18th at the WHAT. The talent show will benefit the Preservation Hall. Ms. Gray would like the BOS to make a proclamation that Sept 16 – Sept 22 Wellfleet Community Forum Week.
Dale Donovan, as a rule of necessity, will vote on the proclamation.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to proclaim that the week of September 16th thru the 22nd as Wellfleet Community Forum Week.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Jerry Houk.             Yea  3     Nay  0

¨       Hugh Guilderson had some questions regarding the Environmental Partners Group plans for Uncle Tim’s Bridge, whether or not the plans will have to go before the state for approval, and if a model will be presented to the public. Mr. Peterson informed Mr. Guilderson that a model will not be available due to budget reasons, but the Historical Commission has been active in the plan for the bridge. Ms. Helen Miranda Wilson informed the board that the bridge has been registered with the state as a historic structure.
¨       Paul Lindberg would like to know why the BOS has decided that he was not a qualified applicant for the Assistant DPW Director. Mr. Wood notified Mr. Lindberg that it the decision of the Acting Town Administrator to wait till the new TA is selected before hiring the Assistant DPW Director. Mr. Lindberg would like to know if the job position will be re-advertised, and will he have to reapply for the same position. Mr. Houk informed Mr. Lindberg that he wanted the position filled now, but the majority of the board decided not to hire at this time. Joan Baker spoke in favor of Mr. Lindberg. She spoke about the history of the interview process, and Mr. Lindberg was the applicant that the interview team unanimously voted to hire.  Ms. Arlene Kirsch feels that Mr. Lindberg is very supportive of the community and the town.
¨       Mr. Terry Bucknell announced and presented the Town of Wellfleet Flag to the board.
¨       Chief Rosenthal did an informal survey of the pier for the fireworks, and we are down about 30 parking spaces. Mr. Rosenthal notified the board that the police department will be very tolerant of the parking situation. Fireworks will begin approx. 7:45pm. Mr. Houk has had numerous complaints about the fireworks being on a Thursday.
¨       Chief Silverman notified the board that the low-band paging system is back and running.

New Business
1.      Call Department Appointment – Scott Hansson
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve Scott Hansson to the Call department.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Jerry Houk.             Yea  3     Nay  0

2.      Board Appointments
¨       Margaret Ann London – Commission on Disabilities
¨       Harry Peabody – Local Housing Partnership
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve Margaret Ann London to the Commission on Disabilities and Harry Peabody to Local Housing Partnership.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Jerry Houk.             Yea  3     Nay  0

Old Business
1.      Craig Smith representing Harvard Graduate School of Education requesting use of Newcomb Hollow, Cahoon Hollow and Duck Harbor from August 18 – August 30th from 10am – 3pm for behavioral research recruitment.
Represented by Craig Smith. He is doing research on how children deal with genuine and non-genuine apologies. Parents will have to be present and sign a consent form prior to taking part of the study. Everything is confidential. He will set up a location on the beach with a sign. The children will get a toy for participation, and the parents will receive $5.00.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve use of Town Property by Craig Smith on Wednesday through Friday August 29 – 31st.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.           Seconded by:    Ira Wood.               Yea  3     Nay  0
Jacqui Beebe joined the board.
2.      TA Search Committee
Ms. Beebe read the revised charge of the TA Search Committee. The board reviewed the 7 applicants. Mr. Donovan suggested adding Tom Groux as an ex-officio member. Mr. Houk would not like Mr. Groux to influence the Search Committee. They should be an independent body. Mr. Wood agrees with Mr. Houk. Ms. Beebe would like Mr. Groux to attend all the Committee meetings. Ms. Helen Wilson would like the board to consider her as an applicant yet did not turn it in since the charge was not available till tonight.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve Helen Miranda Wilson, and the 7 other applicants.
Motion by:      Jerry Houk.             Seconded by:    Dale Donovan.           Yea  4     Nay  0

Mr. Wood reviewed the Correspondence report dated 8/14 – 8/27.
¨       Letter from Kathleen Bacon regarding excessive sandwich board. Mr. Houk agrees with Ms. Bacon. Mr. Donovan feels a process should be in place, creating a public space. Elizabeth Hartsgrove informed the board that other town’s have a permit process that allows the towns to have more control over the signage. Ms. Helen Wilson thinks that its public hazard to have all the signs up on Route 6. Mr. Silverman likes the sign which he feels gives the public more of a community feeling rather than a sterile fantasy vacation land.
¨       Mr. Donovan mentioned a letter of trimming of brush on Cahoon Hollow Road. It is a matter of safety issues of why the DPW trims brush. Chief Rosenthal agreed with the safety issue of trimming.

1.      August 14, 2007
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the minutes of August 14th as amended.
Motion by:      Dale Donovan.          Seconded by:    Ira Wood.            Yea  3    Nay  0   Abstain    1

Future Meetings/Agendas
¨       Dan Silverman would like the board and the Building Needs & Assessment Committee to meet together on Sept 11th meeting to bring the board up-to-date on the Fire Station plans.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen enter executive and not to reconvene in open session for non-union contract negotiations and employee grievance.
Motion by:  Ira Wood.           Seconded by:   Dale Donovan.            Yea  4     Nay  0
Roll call (Houk, Beebe, Donovan, and Wood – yea)

The regular meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth G. Hartsgrove
Executive Assistant